As a Church of England School, our assemblies are referred to as Collective Worship. They have a Christian underpinning in content but prayer is invitational.
Our Collective Worship has a three-part structure to it: Learning, Reflecting and Responding. We begin with an ‘opening’ and ‘closing’ written to reflect our vision as a school. We have ‘Collective Worship Ambassadors’ that lead key aspects of our worship including the opening, lighting of candles, noting the children’s contributions and assisting the Collective Worship lead on the day. Children also have roles such as organising the visual and audio aspects. Live music is performed by pupils on entering and leaving the hall at times throughout the year.
We have a theme each of the six small terms to consider on a two-year cycle. These themes are studied through story, Bible stories, film, drama, poetry or art. The children reflect on what they have learnt and consider how they can use their knowledge in their lives. A weekly task with their classroom helps them to achieve this.
We welcome a member of St Peter’s Church weekly to lead our Collective Worship and we attend St Peter’s Church almost termly for key Christian events or significant events to school.
Parents are invited to Celebration Assemblies on Fridays when the school celebrates the achievements of individuals and groups. Children are invited to share their successes in and out of school.
Singing is a key part of our Collective Worship. We enjoy singing as a school and the children learn a wide range of songs that enhance their learning of values.
Post-pandemic, our year groups will lead Collective Worship for their parents to come and watch.
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