Our governing body, which is legally constituted, has three main responsibilities:
1. To provide a strategic overview by the setting aims and objectives for our school and by adopting policies and setting targets accordingly.
2. To monitor and evaluate progress towards achieving its aims and to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the headteacher and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) by supporting and challenging them in managing the school.
3. To ensure accountability to the pupils, the parents, the local community, the local authority and the staff with the aim of raising standards and improving the outcomes for the pupils at our school.
The governing body has six meetings in the course of an academic year.
Our headteacher is responsible for:
1. The day-to-day management of the school and implementing the strategic framework established by the governing body and its committees.
2. The provision of information and advice to the governors to enable them to fulfil their functions.
3. Updating the governing body at least one a term about the school’s progress.
Our governors are committed to all sorts of activities throughout the academic year in order to assist in the smooth running of the school. They attend a number of committee and full governing body meetings and serve in a variety of ways within these committees across three broad areas. In addition, they act as ‘link governors’ in key aspects of school life including subjects such as English and Mathematics or in matters relating to safeguarding as well as health and safety.
Governors are always open to hearing views from members of our school community, whether they be matters of praise or matters of concern. If there is something that requires the attention of governors, please e-mail governors@oundleceprimary.co.uk