Our ‘Home Learning Policy’ has been devised through collaboration with parents, our AGC, children and staff.
The School believes that Home Learning is vital in the development of all pupils by giving opportunity for practice, consolidation and tasks that will support their learning in school. It is an opportunity for parents to work in partnership with school and support their child in their learning. Research shows that parental involvement has a positive impact on pupil outcomes.
Practice of reading, spellings and maths is required every week, but we also have a termly suggestion of home learning activities to enhance other learning including well-being/self-esteem. The home learning for each term can be found on the year group page on this website and is sent to parents via Dojo.
Our ‘Home Learning Policy’ can be found here.
Some of our regular home learning uses access to a number of safe and trusted learning portals.
Early Reading: Little Wandle Letters & Sounds information - Information for parents
Reading: Accelerated Reader Welcome (renaissance-go.com)
Spelling: Purple Mash Purple Mash by 2Simple
Maths in Early Years and Key Stage One: Numbots - Log into Numbots
Maths in Year 2 upwards: Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) - Log into Times Table Rock Stars
In the event of any concerns linked to these resources, parents are encouraged to speak with their child's teacher face-to-face.